Friday, June 24, 2011

Let's Be Honest

Do you ever wonder what would happen if you were just really gut wrenchingly honest with others? If you're a creative soul, you understand the question. Artists have to face this "what if" kind of fear. The fear of allowing others to see into their soul and the possible rejection that could follow. It's been said that every painting if a self portrait. There's something to that. You can't do real art without the willingness to get naked. Not body naked. Soul naked. Body naked doesn't seem nearly so difficult as baring my soul in this way. Why is that? If I could conquer this fear, I'd likely be a better artist. I'd surely be a better human. A more real human. That makes this a worthwhile goal, and a good reason to have a blog. Even if its seldom read. It's out there. That's something.

As for my first paint-speech on this blog, here is my latest; an original oil titled, "Moonlight Mulies." It is painted on masonite and measures 18" X 50".

Price: $1650.00, framed and ready to hang. Thanks for looking. You are a creation of God and we (he and I) love you.

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